Jetzt Fliegengitter Fachhändler werden
Werden Sie jetzt Fachhändler von Neher Insektenschutz! Hier haben Sie die Möglichkeit, sich bei uns zu bewerben und Teil unseres Teams zu werden. Als renommierte Marke für hochwertige Insektenschutzgitter laden wir Sie ein, sich unserem Netzwerk von Fachhändlern anzuschliessen. Ihre Fachkenntnisse, Ihr Streben nach Qualität und Ihre enge Kundenbindung sind die Grundlagen einer erfolgreichen Partnerschaft. Nutzen Sie diese Chance und reichen Sie noch heute Ihre Bewerbung ein, um gemeinsam mit uns den Insektenschutz auf eine neue Stufe zu heben – für zufriedene Kunden und langanhaltenden Erfolg.

Advantages for our specialist dealers
We invite you to become part of our team of specialist dealers and conquer new horizons together. Imagine:
- Your product range is expanded with the power of a renowned brand – Neher the number 1 in insect protection.
- Unsere Produktschulung öffnet Ihnen die Tür zu einer Welt des Wissens. Von präzisem Ausmessen bis zur massgeschneiderten Konfiguration der Fliegengitter lernen Sie alles, was Sie für die mühelose Montage benötigen. Stellen Sie sich vor, wie Sie Ihren Kunden mit Fachkenntnis und Leichtigkeit die Produkte präsentieren können, denn Sie beherrschen jedes Detail.
- Your sales skills blossom with us with our comprehensive sales training. Learn not only to sell products, but also to gain your customers’ trust by responding to their needs.
- Marketing support: we are here to support you when it comes to putting your company in the spotlight. Imagine how we work together to reach your target audience and let your company shine.
- When questions arise or uncertainties arise, you are never on your own. Our extensive documentation and detailed assembly instructions are like a reliable companion, always at your side and encouraging you to move forward with confidence.
- Here at Neher, we are more than just business partners. We’re like one big, warm family. Remember, we’re always here to answer questions, provide support, and work together to overcome challenges. Become a dealer now!

New for resellers: Direct offer transfer from our webshop to Bexio!
We have exciting news for our merchants! From now on, you can transfer your created offers directly from our webshop to bexio – without detours, without effort. This seamless integration saves time, prevents errors and improves your efficiency.
If you have any questions about how to use this new feature, please do not hesitate to contact us!
Benefits for our partners
Our partnership offers a clear advantage over specialist dealers: targeted order referrals. Instead of having to go out and find customers on your own, we actively refer orders to our partners. This gives you a constant stream of projects without having to invest a lot of time and resources in customer acquisition. Rely on our partnership to increase your efficiency and revenue.
Would you like to become part of our exclusive partner program? The first step is to take on the role of a reseller with us. We closely monitor and evaluate the performance of our resellers to identify those who are eligible for our extended partner program.
You will learn more about the benefits of partnership once you are selected.